Opening Day 2012 Marquee Day Club Las Vegas
Guest DJ Avicii |
Every girl has been there. Vacation is booked, calendar is marked, you've started planning your outfits. You decide you are going to get super sexy so you can finally put on your Betsey Johnson swimsuit and feel ultra confidant strutting around the pool deck at Tao Beach, or on the beaches of Maui, or on that carnival cruise ship. It's easy to commit, hit the gym, and count calories. You have a goal in mind, a purpose. Now that you've worked your booty off, it's vacation time. But what happens those first few days on your trip? You lose all self control. Party's on. You are free and relaxed and you are going to live it up. Bring it on! .....Fast Forward 3 days....UHHGG! You feel like crap. On the way home your thinking "what did I do to myself." Now here comes the guilt, you slept bad, had one too many virgin Pina Coladas, didn't workout at all (although, you had good intentions), and you went back for seconds, and thirds at the dessert buffet. So, how do you get back on track?
Here's how to reboot your body and lose that post vacation bloat in two days:
- 8 oz skim milk, or soy milk
- 1 cup berries (or other fruit low on the glycemic index, bananas are not)
- 1 cup ice
- Your favorite protein supplement (my choice... Body By Vi Shake)
- 1 cup green veggies--asaparagus, or cucumbers are a good choice. They both have cleansing benefits.
- 8 oz green tea ( I love the iced green tea at starbuck's, clear free of the sweetener)
- 4-6 oz lean protein
- spinach salad with your choice of additional veggies (try to stick to green veggies)
- 2 tsp balsamic dressing-Try this flavored one Archer Farms Strawberry Basil
- 1 cup green veggies
- 8 oz green tea
- 4-6 oz lean protein
- 1 cup steamed or raw veggies
Here are some great ideas for adding flavor without too many extra calories, etc: lite soy sauce, Mrs. Dash, pepper, oil and vinegar, mustard, salsa.